Words and images form my walks and interactions with nature and the environment.
walking again
at last
embraced by enveloping hills, valleys and forests of many shades of green
the pleasant land of England
walked upon
over and over
treading the paths of ancestors and wild creatures
layers of history
lineages of my true home land
traversing these landscapes of Gainsburough and Constable
marveling at their cloud filled skies
so artfully composed
clouds that dress the sky with majestic canopies and drapes
sweeping over hilltops, swooping down into the dips
hanging heavily over rows of trees that perch on the horizon
so diminished in scale under their immensity
these great trees
towering into the realms of light and flight
their multitudinous limbs and fingers dancing through the sky
tangling and whispering
inviting our feathered friends to nest and perch
and fury beings to climb and scramble in playful abandon
floating carpets of bluebells
weave through spaces between and around the feet of trees
blanketing the damp earth
their purply-blue hue hovering just above the forest floor
seeping through me as I tread carefully
delicate bell petals lightly brushing my ankles
their vibrant wash of color permeating my being
I pace along well worn trails
breathing in the earthy scent of mulching leaves and moss
following these lines of desire
stepping into layers of footprints
sensing those who have embedded their contemplations
wonders and gratitudes
exhaled their burdens
and found renewal