Images and words from my walks and interactions with nature and the environment.
with warm vibrations of the oncoming spring in the air
only a whisper of a cloud
a sky wide open to welcome new life
scattered randomly on the shiny glaze of the sky’s reflection
tonight’s beach lovers gather to watch the sun take its leave
taking its vanishing as a cue to exit
another day is done
there is an intense force at play in the turning tide
a visceral push and pull that moves simultaneously back and forth and side to side
multiple cross currents seem to battle, slice through and undercut each other
creating movement like shark fins racing sideways underneath the surface of rolling waves
then all currents merge into the body of a whale that folds into itself
tiny Sandpipers scurry to and fro with the cycles of the waves
water drags against stones and pebbles to create an intricate tapestry of sharp, triangular patterns
continuously forming and dissolving
redefining momentary geometries
as this radiant universe marvels in its own lucid reflection
a hungry ocean licks its sandy lips over and over
eating up the land as the tide swells inward with the descending darkness
this glorious language of light and illusion unfolds in all directions at once
expanding into infinity