Words and images from my walks and interactions with nature and the environment.
Grey Days.
these grey days
sad days
surrender to monotonous dullness
soak in letting go
float in the waiting space
no expectations
no premonitions
welcome fragments of past joys
as they surface
and seep into this tired old heart
walk through pale fog
these well worn tracks become clear life lines
into unknown futures
drink in gentleness
wade through slow tides
willing feet
skin hardened like aging bark
bones rooting down
drinking in earths goodness
spine balancing tall like pine
pace patiently
through the all pervasive mist
invite restfulness
let time work it’s subtle work
let change flow with ancient wisdom
be the bridge between what is lost
and what is yet to be born
wander curiously
become the unknown
welcome undoing
be undone
dress in nothingness
like living dreamless sleep
walking awake yet suspended in emptiness
but there is always the heart
beating the walking
just being
heart and breath is all
let go into heart-breath
trust in the universal law of unfolding future
be carried by the cycles of deeep time
fog will rise
air will clear the path forward
heart will lead the way
all sensations
branching out
absorbing light
feeding back in
nourishing the inner core with hope
notice nature’s gifts shining
the magic of tiny creatures
the bee feeding on the flower
a wisp of a shrub clinging to life
through a crack in the dry rock
succulent fat leaves blanketing the sand
the music of birds
trust in life’s will to live
the eternal flame never dies
walk on through the loss
carry all that has been lived
with care
held within the cellular fabric of being
dance through past life felt
all that was lived with love is never lost but carried forward through love lived